Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Week 9 - CC

Well, after last weeks success I semto have fallen massively downhill. Due to a culmination of events, this week has been really hard. The lecture *(1) was about doing the same sorts of things we did in the previous weeks, except using the effects in ProTools.

I recorded my human voice, and was all set to go. But first I couldn't hear the sounds in Peak. I assumed that someone had played around with the settings, and as I had no hope of fixing that myself had to leave it there for the time being. I then tried it in the mac lab and hey presto it worked, but the computer didn't have enugh disk space. So I changed computer, and then couldn't get my sounds to play from Peak to ProTools.

I think that my main problem with all this, is that I don't understand ProTools at all. I've tried to sort it out by myself, but I think I may need some background help before I can really come to grips. A lot fo the things we're learning I can do, it's the simple things that I need to have pointed out to me. So this week there is no sound, or pictures, because I wasn't able to complete the exercise. But I hope that the blog has at least shown that I attempted it. I did actually understand a lot of the lecture, it's just putting it into play from scratch is proving difficult.


*(1) Christian Haines, Creative Computing Lecture, Thursday 10th of May, 2007

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