Monday, April 9, 2007

Week 6 - AA - Acoustic Guitar

This week would have to have been my favourite exercise so far! Doing this one as a group helped us I think, and we managed to get through it relatively quickly and easily.

So the idea was to record 5 different acoustic guitar samples using different positioning techniques.


For this one the mic was angled up near the frets. I didn't think this one had a very professional sound, it sounded tinny and you could hear Ben's fingers.


This one was ok as well, with the mic pointing up near the body of the guitar. You can kind of hear breathing though and the sound has a fair bit of boom.

This one was almost straight at the sound hole so there was a lot of boom and it wasn't a very good recording.

This was away from the guitar pointing up at the ceiling. You can hear the reverberations of the walls, and despite it sounding less clear than some of the other recordings, I actually like the natural sound. It sounds more live, and that could work with some recordings and bands.

This was my favourite for professional quality and clarity. I think if I was recording a classical musician on acoustic guitar I'd go for the XY technique.

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